Tuesday, 31 October 2006


wired magazine has asked 33 writers to write 6-word science fiction stories. (arthur c. clarke cheated - his has 10 words).

here are ten of my own efforts:

1. the trees cried one last time.
2. fun is outlawed. let's leave town.
3. feet... too... sore. can't... go... on...
4. smoking is good for your cancer.
5. i spread my wings and plummet.
6. the sky is blue. for now.
7. computer told me to write this.
8. the house collapsed. a homeless ghost.
9. time will soon go backwards again.
10. saddam wakes. sits up. rubs eyes.

ok, those are my spur of the moment efforts. leave your stories in the comments, or anywhere else you can think of.

Friday, 6 October 2006

congratulations to my very dear friends emily and richard on their engagement. i hope you continue to share many wonderful holidays together!

in other news, the countdown continues, with less than a week to go until our departure. we both only have one day of work left (j's is tomorrow, mine is monday), then the serious pre-trip preparations can begin.

i read a really good joke the other day that i wanted to share with the world, but i can't for the life of me remeber it. oh well. next time. but while i'm on the subject, i'd just like to say how much i object to all the sex on computers these days. i mean, it's uncomfortable and i keep falling off.

the music in my brain at the moment is mainly by blondie, which can only be a good thing.

Wednesday, 4 October 2006

the birthday season

it was my brother's birthday the other day - he turned 28. it's my mum's birthday next week, then a few of my cousin's add another year to their respective ages. my 30th birthday is less than a month away, and the rest of november is filled with the celebrations of numerous friends and family members. and just when you think it's safe to venture out again, my baby brother (i say 'baby' - he's turning 23 and has a 4 month old baby himself) goes and has a december birthday. sneaky little blighter.

in one week and one day, we will be boarding a plane a jetting ove to the midst of these celebrations. the excitment is building...