is there anything left that an iPod can't do?
also, this would seem to be too good to be true. would be nice, though.
quick thoughts on job hunting at thirty.
i'm writing my blog. i should be finishing off my resumé. i should be job hunting. i'm sitting on the couch at home, in my pyjamas, listening to an ash cd (is it just me, or do ash write some hella-catchy songs?), and specifically not job hunting. don't worry, i will. it's still only 9am. plenty of time still. (and i'll keep telling myself that, right up until bed time.)
so i've been thirty for 2 weeks, now. i'm about to have my 2nd 30th birthday party (this sunday). everyone (well, everyone over 30, anyway) keeps telling me that the 30s are the best years. "life begins at 30," they say. "30s are the new 40s," and also "30s are the new 20s."
seeing as how i'm supposed to be job hunting, i think now would be a good time for a quick look back at my 20s ("20s are the new teens, or perhaps the new octogenarians who knows?). my 20s were fairly good to me. i fulfilled several childhood dreams within the space of a few short years:
my early 20s were spent in something of a toman-fuelled haze at university, (i started uni 10 years ago! aaaarrrrgggghhhh!), but a fun haze, nevertheless.
at the age of 23, i got a job in a record store - i said in my interview (and it wasn't a lie) that it had long been a dream of mine to work in one. and i have. and i'd do it again, by golly! maybe one day i'll have my own store!
at the age of 25, i joined a rock'n'roll band and travelled to australia (where i have been living ever since), living the rock'n'roll lifestyle - like a modern day monkees, all living together in our comedy house.
still at 25, i met my wonderful, wondrous partner, who i think is spiffing.
at the age of 27, i wrote, produced, dirtected and edited my own film. yay!
at 28, my wonderful, wondrous partner and i travelled around western europe together - i find it highly amusing that waited until i moved to australia before i got around to seeing 'the continent.' and i have been exceptionally slack about travelling around my adopted homeland - i've only ventured out of victoria once, and that was to visit emily & richard when they were living in sydney.
at 29, my wonderful, wondrous partner and i bought ourselves a home! (2006 seems to have been the year for it - both my brothers have recently entered the property ladder, too). we went back to england, as well, and walked along the first third of the thames, which was fun and took about 5 days. then i turned 30 and was the subject of a documentary film by the diabolical directing duo louis segal (multi-madness, the psychiatric channel) and daniel moses.
the one thing i haven't managed to get sorted out yet is a job. so i really must stop procrastinating, now - i AM 3o, after all, and old enough to know better - and get back to job hunting.
till next time
Thursday, 16 November 2006
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
ah, helsinki... i think the world would be a better place if it contained more complaints choirs.
i was not surprised to find that the first complaints choir was from birmingham.
i was not surprised to find that the first complaints choir was from birmingham.
Monday, 13 November 2006
this is the list of spam that was waiting for me in the spam folder in my gmail account today. my favourites are from Mima Oneal and Victor Frye. Especially Victor.
Werner Ola - Good stuff
Aeolus Copley - Re: good 8275
Jordan Thayer - New Home Lloan lApproval
Mima Oneal - grandmother diplomat
so - Re: much
Danny Cote - christmas are coming!
Pam Coffey - hi rhythm
Brady - show your sweet heart how much you care Armand
Jennifer Hurst - wind
Erin Lunsford - Want to be a hero in a bed? orderid:collision
Nanny Pickett - prejudiced
Meade & Trent Doherty - Meade & Trent Doherty is back and I got one of these
Wallace May - Home Improlvement Approvlal
first - Re: Sacked
Victor Frye - vagina earache
Nephele Malloy - Re: good 456
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